Ward House Farm

About Us

At Ward House Farm, we’re more than just smallholding farmers – we’re part of a living, breathing community that includes our bees, chickens, and the lush gardens. What began as a small venture has grown into a deep passion for us.

Our bees are the heart of the farm. We don’t just look after them; we’re constantly amazed by their hard work and dedication. We carefully tend to their hives and ensure they have a rich variety of flowers to visit. Observing them is like watching nature’s own intricate ballet.

Our chickens are far more than just livestock; they’re full of personality and charm. We take great joy in watching them wander around the farm, ensuring they have plenty of space to explore. They add a unique character to Ward House Farm.

Gardening here is a labour of love. From planting seeds to watching them bloom into vibrant flowers or yield fresh produce, it’s a rewarding journey. Our garden is a sanctuary for wildlife, creating a perfect ecosystem where bees buzz and chickens forage. It’s a beautiful sight that fills our days with wonder.

What started as a simple interest has blossomed into our way of life at Ward House Farm. Every day brings new joys and challenges, and we embrace them wholeheartedly. We’re dedicated to nurturing this special place, ensuring it remains a thriving haven for all its inhabitants.


Beekeeper (Apiarist)

In charge of the bees, chickens and garden at Ward House Farm with all of these being a hobby that’s grown into a passion.



Jonathan’s partner who looks after the website and social media, but also spins and jars the honey with Jane.


The Legend

Looks after day to day things at Ward House Farm, always loves a good catch up and keeps us on our toes!

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